Jefferson’s Ocean Aged at Sea Voyage 25 Wheated

My Price: $89.95

Country/Area: USA/ Kentucky

Distillery: Kentucky Artisan Distillery (probably)

Proof/ABV: 90 proof/ 45% ABV

Mash Bill: Undisclosed Wheated Mash

Barrel: New American oak

Age: 4 years before being loaded onto ships and aged at sea

Nose: Bread, Carmel, Vanilla

Taste: Light Cherry, Hay, Alcohol


The bottle of Jefferson’s Ocean Voyage 25 was a special single barrel pick for the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission. It was barrel 16 to be exact. I have had barrel picks from various Ocean’s voyages before and they did not meet the standards of the original voyage release in my opinion. I worry that this may also be the case with Voyage 25. This is a special wheated mash bill so there tends to be less drama on the nose and palate but I really struggled to find much in the way of smell and taste. It’s not that it is a bad whiskey but for the price you pay I feel like there are better options out there. It drinks hotter than a 90 proof should and has a bit of the wheater funk that I don’t care much for. I would be willing to try a pour of the standard Voyage 25 batch if I ever happen to come across it. Cheers!


My Rating: Shoot it. It will get you drunk but you can do a whole lot better, even with a wheater, for less than the $90 price tag in my area.

May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey.



Rating scale:

-Spit: Don’t bother with this one. If a friend gives you a dram of it, are they even your friend?

-Shoot: Good enough to get you drunk.

-Sip: Tasty enough to enjoy neat or on the rocks.

-Stock: I’d recommend keeping a bottle on hand.


Gambler 500 Whiskey


Jefferson’s Ocean Aged at Sea Voyage 24