Nemo Filo Pillow

My Price: 39.99 (REI)

Manufacturer: Nemo

Made In: Taiwan

Availability: Online and Select Outdoor Retailers

Weight: 9.2 Ounces

Season use: All


As a self-proclaimed gram weanie I was hesitant to pick up such a heavy pillow to try. As a side sleeper and someone who says to invest in sleep when it comes to money and weight it seemed like the right thing to do. I have tried a lot of pillows from stuff sacks filled with extra clothes to inexpensive air pillows. This pillow is by far the best yet. It combines the loft of air with the comfort of foam and the ability to increase its thickness by adding clothes to the pillows cover. At 9.2 ounces it is more than twice as much weight as my normal pillow but if it allows me to sleep soundly through the night then it is money and weight well spent. I look forward to seeing how well the foam insulation helps keep me warm in the colder months and how easy it is to wash when the time comes. At this point with a handful of nights with it I can say it will have a constant home in my backpack. Cheers!

My Rating: Buy it. Although heavy it is fairly inexpensive and may help you sleep better on trail.

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!

May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey.



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