Lite AF Pot Sack

My Price: $18.00

Manufacturer: LiteAF

Made In: New Jersey, USA

Availability: Online Only (

Weight: .1 Ounce

Season use: All


Typically, I am not a big fan of adding bags to my kit. That being said I love that I can fit all of my cook kit into my pot but then I needed a way to keep it all there. Initially I used a larger rubber band but it was brittle and did not like to stay in place. Due to space constraints on longer trips I began to keep my cook kit in an upper outside pouch on my Zpacks Arc Blast. This would help hold everything but often the lid would come off and sometimes the stove would then rattle around inside the pot. Enter the Pot Sack from LiteAF. Weighing the same as a rubber band and helping to hold all of the contents of my cook kit and sometimes an extra Sea to Summit X-Mug, it quickly became a favorite piece of gear. When I’m actually cooking it gives me a place to put my pack towel and lighter. When its in use it helps me easily find all of my cooking items in one place. Bonus feature; the draw string closure allows me to stick my long handle spoon on the side of the pot and it helps hold it in place. 

My Rating: Buy it! I have one for every pot. They are lightweight and fairly inexpensive for a hand made piece of gear. Cheers!

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!

May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey.



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