Altra Timp 3 Trail Runners

My Price: $160.00

Manufacturer:  Altra

Made In: Asia

Availability: Online and Major Outdoor Retailers

Weight: 18.08 ounces for the pair of 8.5 mens

Season use: 3 season

Review: Thanks to many folks on YouTube, I was introduced to the Lone Peak series from Altra. I picked some up and mostly loved them. Then Darwin on the Trail said he was hiking in Altra Olympus so I picked up a pair. If the Lone Peaks were too thin, the Olympus was too thick. Enter the Timp, AKA Goldilocks. Where I typically hike in the west there is a good mix of rock, duff and road. Because of this the Lone Peak often lead to sore feet due to how the sharper and larger rocks felt through its 25mm sole. The Olympus was so thick that I felt unstable and vague as I could not feel any of the ground under my feet. The Altra Timp 3’s not only fit my feet nicely, as I have very wide feet, and the zero drop (the front of the sole is the same height as the heel) helped my achilles issues. The Timp’s are the perfect mix of comfort and protection while offering nice features like a gaiter trap and a rock plate.

My Rating: Buy it. They may wear out after only 500 miles but those miles will be spent in comfort. Cheers!

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!

May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey.



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