Snow Peak Backpacking Umbrella

My Price: 59.95 (Amazon)

Manufacturer: Snow Peak

Made In: China

Availability: Online

Weight: 5.1oz

Season use: All


In my years of hiking, I came to realize that rain gear just wasn’t for me. Don’t get me wrong I always have rain gear with me and will often wear it around camp to stay warm or keep the drizzle off of me, but on trail I end up wet from sweat any time I hiked in rain gear. Enter the Snow Peak Ultralight Umbrella. It is an easy way to keep the rain off of you while not causing overheating or wetting out. The umbrella is lightweight at only 5.1 ounces and packs down small despite its 33” open size. The only downside is you do have to flip down the very end when you open and close it but it is simple and doesn’t take much time at all.

My Rating: Buy! I bring it on nearly every hike be it a short day hike or a week long backpacking adventure.

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!

May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey.



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