BRS 3000T Titanium Stove

My Price: 15.99

Manufacturer: BRS

Made In: China

Availability: Amazon and AliExpress

Weight: .8oz

Season use: 3 season (not great in sub-freezing conditions)


I first saw the BRS stove on various YouTube backpacking channels years ago. I started backpacking with a lightweight and cheap stove from my local sporting goods store and had graduated to an MSR Windburner which I found bulky and heavy for a lot of my overnight trips.

I purchased the inexpensive stove figuring the $16 price was low enough that if I didn’t like it, oh well. Years later I still have that first BRS stove as well as a few others as I like to have enough gear to help outfit friends on their first trips. I’ve knocked heavy rocks into the stove and bent the supports which I was able to bend right back and they have kept going. I have noticed a few BRS stoves that my friends have purchased that did not seem to regulate the fuel as well as mine. This is only an issue if you are trying to cook rather than just boil water for dehydrated meals or drinks. For the price and the incredibly low weight I think it is hard to beat. The only down side is just how small it is so if you wish to cook with a skillet or larger pot, this is not the stove for you. Cheers!

My Rating: Buy it. Buy a few of them. They are cheap and light.

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!

May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey.



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