Ready Wise Country-Style Chicken Pot Pie Pro Meal
-Manufacturer: Ready Wise Adventure Meals
-Made in: Utah, USA
-Price: $13.95 (Cabela’s)
-Availability: Online and major outdoor retailers
-Weight: 4.30 OZ
-Calories: 840
-Calories per oz: 195
-Calories per Dollar: 60.21
-Ease of use: Just Add Boiling Water
-Water Needed: 12oz
-Hydration Time: 10 Minutes
Taste: Decent chicken and veggie flavor
Texture: Ok texture but a bit watery
Overall Score: 3/5
Notes: I am a big fan of chicken pot pie so I was very excited to see these meals at Pacific Crest Trail Days in 2023. Once they hit the shelves at my local Cabela’s I picked one up and took it with me to the snowy slopes of Mt Hood. In fairness I managed to grab a mug and a pot to boil water that did not have any markings but I knew the overall capacity of my mug was 16oz. I bring this up because the pot pie seemed very watery. There were a lot of vegetables included and the peas and green beans dominated the flavor. The biscuit pieces were nice but it did not give me the warm and cozy chicken pot pie vibes I was looking for. Cheers!
May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey. Cheers!