Mountain House Veggie Chorizo Breakfast Scramble

-Manufacturer: Mountain House Adventure Meals

-Made in: Albany, OR

-Price: $10.75 (

-Availability: Online

-Weight: 4.0 ounces

-Calories: 580 per pouch

-Calories per oz: 145

-Calories per Dollar: 54

-Ease of use: Add boiling water

-Water Needed: 11 ounces

-Hydration Time: 9 minutes

Taste: Good flavor. Not very spicy.

Texture: It was hard to differentiate the different components of the scramble. Everything rehydrated well and it wasn’t as soupy as some of the egg dishes can be.

Overall Score: Borrow unless you’re vegetarian in which case buy it.


Notes: I believe the Veggie Chorizo Scramble was brought in to replace my beloved Spicy Southwest Style Hash, which is my favorite backpacking breakfast. With that in mind I may have graded on a bit of a curve here. It is a good breakfast and the portion was enough to fuel you on trail with out weighing you down. It seemed like the texture was all very similar which made me not like it as much directly from the pouch but it did make for a delicious breakfast taco when added to a corn tortilla with a bit of hot sauce on top. If you are a vegetarian or looking to up your veggie intake on trail this is a great way to do so. Cheers!


May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey. Cheers!

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!


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