Trailtopia Pesto Chicken Pasta

-Manufacturer: Trailtopia

-Made in: Minnesota, USA

-Price: $11.00

-Availability: Online and Major Outdoor Retailers


-Calories: 740

-Calories per oz: 107.25

-Calories per Dollar: 67.27

-Ease of use: Just add boiling water

-Water Needed: 20oz!

-Hydration Time: 10 minutes

Taste: Good pesto flavor

Texture: Chicken rehydrated nicely but the pasta fell apart

Overall Score:2/5


Notes:  The overall flavor and value of this meal are high but the large amount of water and soup/mushy consistency drastically lower its score.


May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey. Cheers!


Itacate Campsite Lentejas


Saucefly Base Camp Denver Scramble