Trail Toddy Irish Coffee Mocha

-Manufacturer: Trail Toddy

-Made in: Oregon, USA

-Price: 6 pack $21.00

-Availability: Online and select retailers (see for details)

-Weight: 1.38 Ounces    

-Calories: 173

-Calories per oz: 125.36

-Calories per Dollar: 49.42

-Ease of use: Just add boiling water and whiskey

-Water Needed: 8 ounces

-Hydration Time: None

Taste: Great chocolate and sweetness pair nicely with the oak tones in the whiskey and the coffee.

Texture: Smooth and creamy.

Overall Score: Buy it. Best way to wake up in the morning.

Notes: In fairness I have spent time on the trail with the Trail Toddy folks and am big fans of all of their products. They have occasionally given me free product but I have spent many of my own hard earned dollars with them.

That being said, I love their products, especially the Irish Coffees. I enjoy having the added flavor on a short weekend trip when I have time to sit back and relax in the morning. The ability to add whatever kind of whiskey you want means you can vary the experience trip to trip. The Mocha flavor is my favorite as it adds a bit more sweetness and the perfect touch of coco. The added perk of being made in Tillamook Oregon is just icing on the cake.


May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey. Cheers!

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!


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