Mountain House Scrambled Eggs and Bacon

-Manufacturer: Mountain House Adventure Meals

-Made in: Oregon, USA

-Price: $9.25

-Availability: Online and Most Outdoor Retailers

-Weight: 2.2oz

-Calories: 350

-Calories per oz: 159.09

-Calories per Dollar: 37.83

-Ease of use: Just add boiling water, rehydrate and drain

-Water Needed: 8oz

-Hydration Time: 9 minutes

Taste: Ok but not like freshly scrambled eggs and bacon.

Texture: Always soupy so its best to dig a cat hole and drain excess water. I find that if you use less water than called for it does not fully rehydrate.

Overall Score: Bypass. Unless you need an egg addition to another breakfast to make a breakfast burrito or scramble it simply isn’t worth it.


Notes: Mountain House Adventure Meals have been in my backpack since my first days on trail. Their Spicy Southwest Skillet was my long-time favorite breakfast on trail until it was discontinued in 2022. I often would add the scrambled eggs and bacon to the skillet or other skillet type breakfast to pile onto a tortilla for a delicious breakfast burrito. That was about the only thing I found these scrambled eggs and bacon good for. Their consistency and taste are good but not like actual bacon and eggs and their cooking process is messy as you have to drain off the excess water. Because of that I do not have plans to purchase any more Scrambled Eggs and Bacon. However, I do plan on continuing to eat many of their other offerings when out in the wild.


May the miles you hike be filled with wonder and the glasses you raise be filled with whiskey. Cheers!

Rating scale:

-Bypass: This isn’t worth the money.

-Borrow: Handy but may or may not be worth your money.

-Buy: Get one. You’ll love it!


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